While we do not ordinarily think of the subject of war as a prolife matter; it is nevertheless. The devil has loved death and dying from the beginning, striking at the human family from conception (preborn) then stirring up wars among the born, up to the death of the elderly (euthanasia).
We pray for peace, but the egos of world leaders (such as Putin of Russia and Xi of China) seem to be gravitating toward war. War seems to be the constant. Scripture tells us that there will always be wars and rumors of wars.
Foes and allies seem to change like a game of musical chairs. In the Second World War, our enemies were primarily Germany and Japan. Now, Japan and Germany are allies. The advent of the nuclear bomb ended the war with Japan in the Pacific, and the possibility of nuclear war between Russia the U.S. has been averted until now by the ominous prospect of ‘mutually assured destruction’. Nuclear war cannot be won.
It has been confirmed that Russia is developing a space based anti-satellite weapon which some reports indicate is a nuclear weapon or, at the very least, contains a nuclear component.
The prospect of such weapons taking out U.S. satellites is of grave concern. Modern warfare is inconceivable without satellites – clusters of which (like GPS) are used to aim ‘precision strike’ weapons and guide ground forces into position.
One problem: it would be difficult to limit the damage inflicted. Detonation of nuclear weapons produces gamma radiation which can incapacitate satellites – including ones that the attacking country did not intend to target.
Deployment of nuclear weapons in space is barred by a 1967 treaty, though Russia has recently tested the limits of its arms control agreements.
President Ronald Reagan’s wisdom was “peace through strength”. “Mutually assured destruction” has kept the peace (as far as nuclear weapons are concerned).
Putin would be thinking to himself “Well, I am not bombing a country. I am only destroying satellites that the country uses.”, but this is an attack on peace and it is an attack on all countries. It should be made plain to Putin that this would be an attack on NATO and would be considered as if it were a land attack.
Let us pray!