Dear friends and family of the preborn child,
At the time of World War II, the devil worked his mischief on two fronts – Western Europe (Hitler, Stalin and Mussolini) and simultaneously in the Pacific (Japan).
After Japan’s surprise attack on Pearl Harbor (December 7, 1941), we entered the war on both fronts. The war was won in Europe with conventional weapons. President Truman’s order to drop the world’s first nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki ended the war in the Pacific.
Now, the world is placed in peril by devilish mischief again on two fronts – Europe and the Pacific (Communist China eying Taiwan). History does not always repeat itself, but it rhymes.
In the intervening years, nuclear weapons have proliferated. Since the invention of gun powder man has never contrived a weapon he has not eventually fought it out with. In 2022, the world figuratively finds itself standing ankle deep in a room filled with gasoline and Putin is about to light a match.
Human life and liberty are precious. The national sin of abortion has sadly taken the lives of 60 million innocent preborn children since the travesty and tragedy of Roe which has cheapened all human life from conception to old age.
Dr. Jerome Lejeune said it:
“If big Russian learns it is okay to kill little Russian
and big American learns it is okay to kill little American
then you are not going to tell big Russian it is not okay to kill big American,
and you are not going to tell big American it is not okay to kill big Russian.”
Nuclear war: just a few years away”
— Dr. Jerome Lejeune
The U.S. Supreme Court has probably never thought of itself as a peacemaker (Blessed are the Peacemakers) but it has an opportunity to be just that. Our nation and the world awaits the U.S. Supreme Court’s decision on the case which has been argued before them which will either continue the travesty and tragedy of Roe or relegate Roe to the dust bin of history.
If instead of getting down Pontius Pilate’s bowl and washing their hands of Roe and returning the decision to the 50 states, they stand up for God’s COMMANDMENT ‘THOU SHALT NOT KILL’ and rule that the life and liberty of preborn children are protected under the nation’s Declaration of Independence (endowed by their Creator with right to life) and the Constitution of the nation since science (in vitro fertilization) and technology (ultrasound) in the intervening 49 years since Roe has proven that life begins, like everything else, at the beginning….Such a ruling by the Supreme Court would reverse Dr. Lejeune’s formula and prophecy and make us worthy of our national motto “In God We Trust”.
In these perilous times, the U.S. Supreme court has an opportunity to be a peacemaker if we accept Dr. Lejeune’s formula. Right makes might and such a right declared by the U.S. Supreme Court (they can hand their decision down immediately and not wait until just before leaving for their vacation in June) would please God above. If there ever was a time we need the King of Heaven’s Armies on our side, it is now! BLESSED ARE THE PEACEMAKERS.
Pray for the Supreme Court and pray for our nation, our children and our grandchildren.
Yours very sincerely and respectfully,
R. Martin Palmer
P.S. When one visits the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC, Lincoln’s seated statue is in the center with these words inscribed above it:
“In this temple, as in the hearts of the people for whom he saved the union, the memory of Abraham Lincoln is enshrined forever”
Then if you turn and look to one wall you find carved in marble the Gettysburg Address and if you turn and look at the other wall you find a quote from Lincoln’s 2nd inaugural address.
These prophetic words of Lincoln from his 2nd inaugural are instructive to us now and they find themselves in the 7th stanza of the enclosed poem Prayer for the Preborn Child.
Our prophet Lincoln said of old
as the Civil War wore on:
“Fondly do we hope, fervently do
we pray—that this mighty scourge of
war may speedily pass away. Yet,
if God wills that it continue
until every drop of blood drawn
with the lash shall be paid by
another drawn with the Sword, then
as was said three thousand years
ago, so still it must be said,
‘the judgments of the Lord are’
true and righteous altogether.”
– Abraham Lincoln, Second Inaugural Address
But what sword can avenge the
little ones MANY MILLIONS strong?
But the nuclear sword in the enemy hand
which threatens to destroy our land
Lincoln was a prophet. Dr. Lejeune was a prophet. These two prophecies come together and speak to us and the world in the present time.