Dear friends and family of the preborn child,
This horrible tragedy at the elementary school in Texas has touched the hearts of all of us even though we did not personally know the children who were killed.
Why is it that the hearts of an entire nation are united in grief over the loss of these innocent elementary school children that they did not personally know and yet that same nation is divided on the killing of preborn children they similarly do not know.
God knows all preborn children. God knows us before we are born.
(“Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you.” Jeremiah 1:5)
We are now told that at the elementary school in Texas 16 police officers were present but were ordered by their commanding officer to “stand down” and wait for the SWAT team to arrive. During the 45 minute period that they waited, it is reported that calls continued to come into 911 in which gun shots were heard in the background and little voices were pleading ‘send the police’; ‘please send help’.
In 1973, the ‘chief of police’ of the States (the U.S. Supreme Court) ordered the States to ‘stand down’ and stop enforcing their criminal laws that rescued preborn children. During the half century that has followed, 911 calls have come in to the U.S. Supreme Court from across the nation pleading with the court to send help and stop the killing of preborn children.
The court, our nation’s ‘police chief’ of the Constitution, is now poised to strike down to overturn Roe, but the devilish mischief having its way with the court even now is to leave the decision on what is to be done after Roe entirely up to the States. The court does so while totally ignoring the charter of our nation (the Declaration of Independence) and the unalienable rights recited therein which gives our nation’s ‘police chief’ (the court) authority to go in and rescue preborn children immediately.
Professor John W. Brabner-Smith, founder of the International School of Law in Washington, DC, now the George Mason School of Law, explained to his students that the Declaration of Independence is, in truth, the Charter of our nation. The Constitution can be compared to bylaws, he taught. He went on to remind his students that it is a principle of law that nothing in the bylaws can conflict with the charter. Roe was flagrantly in conflict with the nation’s charter.
The brilliant mind of John W. Brabner-Smith is now illuminating the path our nation’s court must follow. The Roe court acted as if they could read between the lines and find an implicit ‘right to abortion’. Actually, they manufactured it out of thin air. John Brabner-Smith responded to this over the years teaching the unalienable rights found plainly in the Declaration itself.
This time around, the court doesn’t have to make anything up. It can simply point to what is already there! A right to life is clearly assumed in the Constitution in two amendments and this is reflected in the history of the criminal laws of all the States (As Justice Alito goes to great length to show, throughout our nation’s history the States condemned abortion as a crime – see pages 15 to 29 and the list of historical statutes in the appendix of the draft opinion of the court.)
God writes his laws on the mind and heart of man. The pro-aborts know in their mind and in their heart that abortion kills an innocent preborn child. They are in rebellion against God and determined to do it anyway.
The unalienable rights of man are written upon the mind and heart of mankind. The charter of our nation (The Declaration of Independence) recites some of them. They are the ‘law above the law’ and as such are beyond the province or jurisdiction of any court or legislature.
Those justices of our Supreme Court understanding this, and not in rebellion against this truth (the conservative majority), need only revise their draft opinion in the Mississippi case to proclaim the truth in words similar to the following:
‘ABORTION PRESENTS A PROFOUND MORAL QUESTION. We hold that Roe was egregiously wrong. It follows that Roe was egregiously MORALLY wrong in that it has allowed the killing of an estimated 60 million preborn American children – our posterity. Our Declaration of Independence speaks of the “laws of nature and nature’s God” referring to the ‘law above the law’, the law beyond the province of this court or any legislature. The Declaration of Independence proclaims that “all men are CREATED equal and endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable rights, and that among these are the right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness.” We hereby hold that every human being from the moment of creation (conception) is protected by the UNALIENABLE RIGHT TO LIFE, LIBERTY AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS.
Yours very sincerely and respectfully,
R. Martin Palmer
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