Sometimes it is good to review and repeat – especially since the Supreme Court has given the states complete autonomy to pass laws as they wish protecting preborn children within their territory.
As we know, life begins, like everything else, at the beginning. Abortion must be outlawed from the moment of conception (no morning after pill /‘human pesticide’). And the denatured biology of human embryo experimentation must be forbidden.
Dr. Jerome Lejeune, who was to the world of genetics as Einstein was to the world of physics, explained that there is no such thing as ‘living matter’, but rather spirit animates matter.
God knew us before we were born (Jeremiah 1:5). He gives us a soul from the moment of conception. He knows us as a preborn child in the temple of the womb.
“Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them.” (Psalm 139:16)
Speaking of the equal humanity and personhood of the preborn child even as a human embryo, Dr. Lejeune put it this way:
“The human embryo is a being, and being human, it is a human being. It is person and not property because it is the only ‘property’ which has the property of building itself.”
What a statement! What wisdom! It is something like Christ would say.
Enclosed kindly find a copy of a proposal of law authored by Dr. Lejeune, the first line of which reads: “Before the law, each human being is a person, from fertilization until death.”
We cannot improve upon Dr. Lejeune’s wisdom or his succinct proposal of law which should be submitted unaltered to U.S. state legislatures. No geneticist would disagree or would be able to improve upon it.
Remember that the U.S. Supreme Court in Dobb’s said that their respect for a legislature’s judgment will apply even when the laws at issue concern “matters of great social significance and moral substance.” (emphasis added – Dobb’s page 77)
The state of Oklahoma had it right. Even before the Dobb’s case was handed down, Oklahoma outlawed abortion in their state from the moment of conception. The laws of every state need to reflect these truths about the equal humanity and personhood of the preborn child from conception.
As you know, your pro-life group or organization can propose bill drafts and ideas for new and better laws to your state legislators. Dr. Lejeune’s Proposal of Law for the French Senate (enclosed) would make an excellent proposed bill in your state.
The Supreme Court has given the ball back to the people through their elected state representatives. Let’s aggressively take it to the finish line. Please consider taking Dr. Lejeune’s Proposal to your state representative.
Let us pray that America can once again become a shining city on a hill for all the world to see.
Yours very sincerely and respectfully,
R. Martin Palmer
P.S. Dr. Lejeune wrote the enclosed Proposal of Law to be submitted to the French Senate by Senator M. Bernard Seillier. It comes from the great mind of Dr. Lejeune, is well and succinctly written and it is a model law for any state legislature or for that matter any legislature or parliament in the world. It failed to pass in France back in 1992 only because the French Senate was not respecting the human embryo.
The proposed law is composed of 4 articles.
Article 1 is to ensure that any action, biological or medical has the goal of protecting or restoring the health of the person.
Article 2 addresses the human body as a whole.
Article 3 addresses the denatured biology of human embryo experimentation. In vitro fertilization labs offer discounts to couples undergoing in vitro fertilization if they agree to donate their ‘spare’ embryos to the lab. The lab then sells them to other couples for implantation or they sell them for human embryo experimentation.
Article 4 is to protect the human genome.