In overturning Roe, the Supreme Court went to great lengths in the 98 page opinion to point out that abortion was a crime in every state at the time of Roe (1973). The court listed each and every state and a brief summary of that state’s law making abortion a crime.
Thus, even before the advent of ultrasound which put ‘windows on the womb’ giving Supreme Court judges themselves the earliest pictures of their children and grandchildren, the states were all respecting and honoring the Commandment “THOU SHALT NOT KILL”!
Roe took what was a crime in all the states and turned it into a supposed ‘constitutional right’ by the time the sun came up the next morning.
In overturning Roe, the court could have, and should have, pointed to modern technology (sonography), medical science (in vitro fertilization), and prenatal surgery (operating in utero to drain fluid from the brain of a hydro-cephalic preborn child or to correct a heart anomaly in a preborn child), making the preborn child the ‘intrauterine patient’.
In overturning Roe, the court could have, and should have, taken the next logical step as the guardian of our rights and liberties in the Declaration of Independence and declared that preborn children share equally in its protections:
“all men are CREATED equal, that they are endowed by their CREATOR with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness…”
The court had the power to do this, but it lacked the courage. The U.S. Supreme Court had the power to set preborn children free, but they did not. They handed the problem to the states, hoping that some of them would have the courage to set preborn children free.
The court had the power to stop the killing of preborn children, but it did not.
Pontius Pilate had the power to stop the killing of Jesus, but he did not. He lost the courage, fearing rioting of the people. Then, having ordered Christ’s crucifixion, he took a bowl and washed his hands of innocent blood.
“When Pilate saw that he was accomplishing nothing, but that instead a riot was breaking out, he took water and washed his hands before the crowd.” (Matthew 27:24)
The U.S. Supreme Court has taken down Pontius Pilate’s bowl, that the states may allow the execution of preborn children if they so desire, and then washed their hands of innocent blood. The devil uses cowardice effectively to accomplish his purpose.
The time has come to take the case for the equal humanity and personhood of preborn children above the head of the Supreme Court by taking it to God Himself from the steps of the Lincoln Memorial this coming January.
Yours very sincerely and respectfully,
R. Martin Palmer
P.S. Those members of the court that overturned Roe do not lack wisdom. They lack courage.
Those members of the court who were against overturning Roe fail to understand that the ‘fear of God is the beginning of wisdom’ (Psalm 111:10).
“The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom: a good understanding have all they that do His Commandments: His praise endureth for ever.” (Psalm 111:10).
God commands Thou Shalt Not Kill.
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